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Social Security Law
David W. Magann, P.A. Highlights the 2024 Boost in Social Security Benefits
In 2024, There was good news for over 71 million Americans. Social Security benefits and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments increased by 3.2 percent, which…
Social Security Law
David W. Magann, P.A. Reports on Social Security’s Inclusion of 12 New Compassionate Allowances Conditions
The Acting Commissioner of Social Security outlined twelve new Compassionate Allowances conditions. They include the following: These conditions are severe, and claims are allowed based…
Social Security Law
David W. Magann, P.A. Highlights Expansion of Supplemental Security Income Access by Social Security Administration
The Social Security Administration (SSA) has expanded its reach to include more people needing financial assistance who may be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI)….
Social Security and the E-File: What You should Know About Electronic Files, Part I
First SSA “Security Policy” regarding your electronic filings should be acknowledged. Details of SSA’s Security Policy are the follpwing: “The Internet is an open system and there is no absolute guarantee that the personal information you enter to request verification will not be intercepted by others and decrypted. Although this possibility is remote, it does...
Read More Widows or Widowers’ Benefits: Basic Requirements
I. Benefits For Disabled Widows Or Widowers Disability: If something happens to you, benefits may be payable to your widow or widower with a disability if the following conditions are met: 1. You and your wife or husband were “legally” married in the State where the insured decedent had his or her permanent home. See,...
Read More Allsup and Other Thrid Parties “Monitoring” Your Claim: Do not allow it!
Insurance Companies are always up to various schemes in order to obtain your Social Security back benefit monies. Third party “Monitoring” through companies like Allsup is just another avenue to take advantage of you, the claimant. Monitoring your Social Security claim has no advantage to you! Insurance Companies simply want to collect your back benefit...
Read More The Disability Application Check-List: The Phone Interview
When first applying for Social Security Disability benefits you should call your local office and request a phone interview. Yes, you should SPECIFICALLY request the phone interview which should be scheduled two weeks or so after your initial call to SSA. The following is a check-list of items you should gather together for the phone...
Read More Social Security Disability and the 12 Consecutive Month Rule: Have You Heard of It?
The basics of the 12 consecutive rule is that you as a claimant must be disabled for 12 months at one time and have not earned, as of 2008, $940.00(SGA) or more in anyone of those 12 months regarding work activity. If Social Security finds you disabled before 12 months have gone by and you...
Read More SSI Title XVI Benefits and Your Work Attempt: Still Eligible? 5 Important Points
1. Expedited Reinstatement A disabled or blind individual whose eligibility for SSI payments ended because of earnings can request expedited reinstatement of his/her SSI benefits without filing a new application. To qualify for expedited reinstatement, the individual must make the request within 60 months after his/her eligibility ended and must have a disabling medical condition...
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