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Personal Injury
Florida Remains One of the Deadliest US States for Pedestrian Crashes
In 2022, Florida ranked third in the United States for pedestrian deaths. While this ranking represents a slight improvement over 2021’s second-place ranking, it means…
Comments, News, Social Security Law
Be Aware of How You Could Lose Your Social Security Benefits
1.Cessation of Disability: Usually a “cessation of benefits” occurs when you are not seeking regular and continuing treatment for the medical problems in the original…
News, Social Security Law
NEW MENTAL LISTINGS Effective: January 17, 2017 After a revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), and thousands of public comments later, the Social Security Administration…
Be Aware of How You Could Lose Your Social Security Benefits
1.Cessation of Disability: Usually a “cessation of benefits” occurs when you are not seeking regular and continuing treatment for the medical problems in the original determination for the grant of benefits. Also, if you are able to make enough money to pass above a certain threshold earnings amount, then you’ll stop getting disability benefits. For...
Read More Comments Regarding the June 2011 Blog
The purpose, in part, of the Blog are the “Buyer Beware” observations on attorneys and non-attorneys alike. It appears many non-attorneys have little to no regulation for their advertisements and they can place unsupportable statements like “most successful”, “experts” and “most experienced” on their websites. For example, when considering Quikaid, Allsup, Binder & Binder and...
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