David W. Magann, P.A. Highlights Expansion of Supplemental Security Income Access by Social Security Administration

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has expanded its reach to include more people needing financial assistance who may be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI). One of the core tenets of Social Security is to help those needing access to critical benefits.

To date, this has been difficult to achieve due to underserved communities that face significant challenges – such as no access to computers or the Internet – effectively cutting off people needing help to survive. SSI helps pay for basic needs like medications, food, rent, and clothing.

SSI identified underserved communities in urban and rural areas nationwide by noting the areas with high declines in SSI applications in the wake of the beginning of the pandemic. They also focussed on locations where the majority of people living in the zip code being examined were those of color and/or those living just at or below the 150 percent poverty threshold.

Outreach efforts included radio and television public service announcements (PSAs), mailers, flyers handed out at local stores, printed publications in multiple languages, radio ads, bus shelter ads, and other large signs placed in prominent locations. For those with computers and access to the Internet, SSI also used social media, search engine marketing techniques, digital ads, and YouTube ads.

The campaign is referred to as Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government, born of President Biden’s Executive Order 13985.

Many eligible SSI candidates may not realize that in applying for and receiving SSI they may also qualify for other help financially, such as Medicaid, they may also be eligible for SSI, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and be able to receive discounted Internet service via the Federal Trade Commission’s Affordable Connectivity Program.

As a part of the campaign, Social Security is also aiming to simplify the SSI program when people are receiving food assistance. They are proposing to make it easier to understand and comply with the program.