Comments on the May 2010 Article: Those Representatives to Avoid

Below we have posted the comments regarding the May 2010 Blog on those representatives to avoid, specifically non-attorney representatives. If there is a problem with the actual facts then a change to blog is applicable. If a law firm is sending non-attorney representatives then the blog is simply informing those who may not be aware of this fact since we have never seen anyone ever advertise that, by the way, we are going to send a “non-attorney” to your hearing. If we are wrong please send us the advertisement. Telling the public to avoid non-attorney representatives is neither libelous or otherwise.

Some did not like the term “poser” so we did remove that term. To clarify “education” we mean an actual law degree from an accredited law school and for “license” we mean you passed the Florida Bar and have an actual Bar number. If you are not sure if a representative has a Bar # you can look it up on the Florida Bar website.

Comments Below: May 2010 Blog

Jared M. Dickerson (JDickerson<at>
Tuesday, August 23, 2011, 12:26 PM < >
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We do terrific work at Morgan and Morgan.


Connie White (connie<at>
Monday, August 22, 2011, 07:24 PM < >
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“Uneducated”? I have been a non-attorney rep for almost 7 years now and have been able to help hundreds obtain their benefits. I have a unique set of skills from my years of education and experience and as a result, have a very high success rate.

Most non-attorney reps I know are dedicated professionals who go the extra mile for their clients. Many are over-achievers who are simply determined to do a good job. Your message implies that ALL non-attorney reps are “posers”. I beg to differ.

Constance M. White, MS, CRC, CVE, CCM
Accredited Disability Representative
Certified Rehabilitation Counselor
Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialist
Certified Case Manager

Aside from that, I passed a very difficult exam required of me by the SSA to allow me to obtain direct-pay status. So same as you, I am paid directly once I help a client obtain their benefits. I had to prove that my skills were sufficient to practice as a non-attorney rep. Did you?


Diana Wade (dianapwade<at>
Monday, August 22, 2011, 06:47 PM < >
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This looks like libel to me.
