Beware of Quikaid: non attorney representatives

Beware of any website that states the following:

{Insert Name Here}”Quikaid is among the most experienced Social Security Disability Insurance representatives in the United States.”

We are among the smartest, including you the reader, in the human population. Declaratory statements as the one above is classic for providers who are among the representatives to avoid.

As we have stated in the past blogs. Hire an actual attorney, meet with the actual attorney, make sure that attorney will be going with you to the hearing, your attorney will write a brief or pre-hearing memorandum of law to the Judge before the hearing and call the attorney during the case to see if the same attorney will, at the very least, have a “case status” phone conference with you. If these things will not or have not happened in your claim hire an attorney that will make it happen.

To find an actual attorney you can call David W. Magann, P.A. Attorneys at Law at 1-855-418-9354 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            1-855-418-9354     end_of_the_skype_highlighting.